Thursday, July 12, 2012

Daylily Road Trip

Two days ago I went to a daylily farm with 2 friends in Medina, NY. I was told by some people from the daylily society this was the place to go. I looked up "Cottage Gardens" online and saw they had over 2000 kinds of daylilies. I was not disappointed. The prices ranged from $5 - $200. The ones I purchased only ranged from $5 - $10.

I bought 1 Southern Coral and 1 Bologongo to go in the backyard circle with my Irises

                                 I got 2 Matchmaking Miss to plant on either side of my arbor

           I bought 3 Eric Junior to plant in the circles by the side of my house

Kathleen got a few free clippings from that giant Scottish Thistle you see in the background. This is 1 year old. I was too afraid to take any.

Here is the young worker bee digging up my purchases

Kathleen and Angel taking a nice shady break. It has been in the 90s without any rain for awhile now

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